Archives for posts with tag: LoveTrumpsHate


I get it. You were fed up. You couldn’t take it anymore. You’re tired of being told how to think, what to say, where to go, and who to love. You are fed up with being called a racist. You are tired of feeling guilty for being white. You are tired of being forced to pay for entitlements that your don’t want or will never need. You resent having to earn a degree in order to make a living. I get it. You are fed up. So you said, “Fuck it, I’m voting for Trump.”

I get it. You are fed up. You want to be heard. You must be heard. You will be heard! And I hear you. Actually, I’ve heard you all along. I’ve heard you all my life. I know what you believe, as you rammed it down my throat. I know what you think, because you forced me to learn it from your one-sided textbooks. You’ve actually been very outspoken about it, from the pulpit, the town square, and the football stadium. I sat silently on your couches and at your dinner tables and in your pews. I’ve overheard exactly what you think about blacks, Jews, gays, and woman. I’ve sat close by scared to disagree. Scared to tell the truth. I was skeptical of your skepticism, but wanted you to be true because you seemed so right. I wanted to believe you. I needed to believe you, but I knew you would never believe me. And when I shared my naked gay truth, you did not believe me. In fact, you rejected me.

So, yes. I get it. You’re fed up. You are so pissed off with the liberal revolution surrounding  you that you voted for Trump. You chose him over me. Your friend. Your veteran. Your testament. You wanted to send the message that you are anti-abortion, anti-black power, anti-gay, anti-government, anti-immigrant, anti-etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I get it. Trump’s subversive rhetoric was refreshing. He told it like it is. He didn’t care what anyone thought. And to you, that was liberating. You were waiting for a world where you could be who you are and say what you want without impunity. As such, you elected a president who has done the same.

I get it. You are fed up. You are tired of being laughed at, condescended, silenced, and dismissed. That’s totally understandable. And now it’s time for the rest of us to shut up and listen. It’s time now for we liberal elites to listen and understand your pain…to empathize with your plight, now that you have elected a demagogue into the White House. It makes perfect sense. People suffering so much pain that can only be alleviated by a protest vote, deserve to be heard.

So, yes. I get it. You are fed up. You demand to be heard! But what you must understand is this: It’s really difficult to listen to your silent protest vote, when for generations you haven’t tried to hear mine. The futility of your argument rests in the fact that your vote alone is your pain elixir, while we fellow citizens on the left carry the deep pain of racism, sexism, and xenophobia that our sacred vote has yet to absolve.

I AM human. I AM black. I AM gay. I AM Christian. I AM devastated. I AM disappointed. I AM shocked. Yes. I knew it was possible. Which is why…I debated. I donated. I wrote. I posted. I preached. I prayed. I voted. I have always known the potential of hate and fear and ignorance. I have always suspected that people are less good than they appear. I have always reserved a sense of suspicion in the face of optimism. While others celebrate victories, I usually resist total jubilation. I was all in for Clinton because I knew President Trump could win. I resisted Bernie, because I feared President Trump would win. I know the depth of racialized hate in the United States of America in the name of God, because I have been called a nigger! I know the pain of homophobia in the heart of America in the name of God, because I have been called a faggot! I know the unbiblical hermeneutics that are used to construct a justification for the rage preached from American pupits, because I have been excommunicated! It is real. It is alive and well today. Say what you want about the economy…and jobs…and health care, but we all know that it is WHITE HOT RAGE that elected President Trump. It is the red-blooded hate that resists the unfamiliar. It is real. It is deep. It is ripe. It has always been here. We thought it was defeated, but it is back. I AM ok. I have seen and felt worse than this. I will heal. But I AM not sure America will, or even wants to.

Well done, President Trump.
Well done, United States of America.